The editing process of the Music Video
Since my group and I recorded a lot of shots for the music video, it took me quite a bit to finish editing. To start off, I decided a video editing software. I moved all of the media to that software. I chose iMovie to edit the footage because it is extremely easy to use. Next, I made sure to organize the footage. I went through all of it and decided what to keep and what not to keep. I understood that I could not keep all of the media. So, it took me a while to examine each video carefully. I chose what felt right and necessary. Organizing the media allowed me to not confuse things when editing. Then, I trimmed the footage. I made sure to trim out any unnecessary parts of the footage. Also, I checked to see that the transitions are not choppy nor out of place. I tried to make the transitions as possible. My group and I adjusted the clips together and added the audio. Of course, I encountered a few problems when editing. When piecing the videos together, it did not tur...