The Knot Dr. Commercial
The Knot Dr. is a pain-free detangling brush.
This product is welcome to all hair types. It is also welcome to any state your hair is in.
It comes in many different colors. It also comes with a case. The case does not cause any damage to the bristles.
You can carry the brush in a small handbag with you.
The bristles of the detangling brush have a unique shape. The bristles are positioned the right way to make the process pain-free. They are also flexible. The tips are round and smooth, which provided a massage like stimulation. This is good for your scalp.
This detangling brush works fast and very efficiently.
When brushing your hair, you only have to do a few brush strokes until your hair is smooth and detangled. This saves time and also reduces the damage to your hair.
In this commercial, a woman has disheveled and tangled up hair. After doing research, she founds a product that could be useful to her. As you can see in this commercial, the detangling brush made a huge difference in her hair. There is a before and after provided.
Making this commercial made me more comfortable with editing. This was a good experience to improve my skills.
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