Music Video


The song's name is Indecisive by Roy. It is an R&B song. It is basically about a guy who is indecisive. He is conflicted and confused about making a decision. He is indecisive about his feelings towards a girl that he is interested in. He talks about the girl's character. He notices her flaws. Nonetheless, his attraction for her is still there. But, he is troubled. If he has a chance with her, then what would happen? Would it be all for nothing? Although he is indecisive, he still wants to have a chance with her. He knows what he wants, but at the same time, he does not know. This is mostly what this song is about. As for the original storyboard, it was not included in the music video. For something simple, my group and I decided to only record Roy. The song is about a boy in deep thought, so we thought this was for the best. In the music video, the boy is conflicted with his thoughts. He is walking while he is battling his thoughts. The colors of the music video help match a certain tone or mood. 


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