Starting the Final Task
Hello, my name is Shaunette Robbins. I am an eleventh-grader who is currently attending Fort Lauderdale High. I am working with Sarayah, Dezyrae, and Guerline. I decided to work in a group because I personally believe that I always do well in group. Working in a group is much easier than working alone. Also, working with people helps me feel confident about my work. If i am confused about something, I can learn and understand through discussions with my group. It is much easier to work in a group because I will be able to plan and manage my time more effectively. My group and I can give and receive feedback on our ideas, so we can improve. I always do well in a group than I do while working alone. When I am working alone, I feel as if I do not do good of a job. When I am working alone, I become too much of a perfectionist and constantly judge my work, which does not always go well. From my past experiences, working alone can be quite stressful. I just do not feel confident about my work when working alone. I have known Sarayah since 9th grade. She is smart and dependable. I only recently been introduced to Dezyrae and Guerline. Since they are Sarayah's friends, I believe that I can depend on them and trust them as well. They seem like really good people too.
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