
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production Blog

Regarding my last post, I did confront my group about the misunderstandings. At that rime, I was a bit confused and maybe frustrated. Since, I was not informed of anything.  I am convinced that my group maybe needs more work on our communication. So, this will never happen again. Anyway, Dezyrae cleared things up with me. We all put it in the past now. I would say that everything is fine now. As expected, as far as I am aware of my group did nothing over spring break. I do recall Dexyrae and Guerline having plans to meet up, but I am not certain. I am not sure if Sarayah also joined them. Maybe they filmed before spring break. I have no clue. I am sure that they were filming the mall scenes, as stated from the group chat. So anyway, I did nothing over spring break. Over the break, my group and I did not communicate at all. I just did what I normally do at home, most importantly, I caught up on the sleep I missed. As of right now, I did not receive any videos to edit. Also, I am not...


As I mentioned in the last blog, I said how my group was probably going to refilm a few scenes. I got this information from within our group chat. I just wanted to clarify a few things. My role is only to edit. I am only editing because it is almost impossible for me to film with the rest of my group. So, a few weeks ago all of us agreed on my role to be the editor. So, maybe Sarayah, I do not remember, came up with the idea that someone can fill in my other role. Once again, all of us agreed on that. Sarayah, Dezyrae, and Guerline all agreed that my role is the editior. There were no complaints, objections, nor any other suggestions. After we discussed our roles, we have not contacted for almost more than two weeks or they just did not interacted with me, since I was the editor. Basically, I was left with almost no information about the final task. I asked Sarayah and she gave me a few information, but it was not enough. So yeah, I did come up with a few stuff in the production blogs....

During the filming process

We have all the equipment prepared for the filming process. During it, it will take time to film. So, we just used some time to practice filming. We were a bit unsure on how long we needed to film. If we filmed a long time, then it would be difficult to choose what shots we wanted. At the location, we had to be sure of a few things. The framing we made sure were correct. Plus, we wanted to include the right scenery to go with the film. We always double check if we did everything correctly. It took a while to include all of the camera angles and movement. We had to practice a few times. After filming, we took note of the sound quality of the shots. If the sound quality was not that great, then we would just redo the scene. I am not sure if we recorded background sounds. We will do if we have not. As of right now, we are deciding whether to refilm the mall scene this week. We are not sure yet, due to transportation and scheduling issues. We might be filming the mall scene because we did ...

Start of the Filming Process

Recently, my group and I started the process of filming. Though, I was not present at the time of the filming. I was not able to make it due to my schedule. I was not available after school. Everyone else had a schedule that they could work with. Instead, there was someone who replaced me. So, the said person will be playing as "xoxo." Coming up with locations of the scenes were not difficult. We all decided on locations that would be easy to reach. We also had to consider where each of us lives. Also, we had to keep in mind how far or close a place was to us.  My group and I also considered what time we would be filming. We preferred a time that has very little people. For example, filming at the mall, with little people there, would be less nerve wracking. As of right now, my group and I are covering the park scene. Choosing the park as one of the locations was very convenient. The park is free and easily reachable. There is a lot of scenery to work with. Since, I am not ta...

Production Blog

My group and I had a discussion about the filming process. Due to that, there were necessary changes made. The storyboard was also altered. For the storyboard, I added more details and fixed the scenery. Now, the storyboard depicts the plot more efficiently. There were a few problems regarding the filming process. During the discussion, my group and I were talking about what time we were available. This is where it got a bit complicated. I was only available in the mornings. Two of my groupmates had work on certain days. Finding a day to film was difficult. We had to find a way to film based on our schedule. We decided that I will not be partaking the film. Instead, there will be someone who would replace me in my role of the film. Since, I was only available in the morning, this was the only best option. Instead of taking part in the film, I will do some editing instead. The other change we had was to include a back up schedule, just in case. Anything can happen, so having a back up s...

Filming and Editing Blog

 When my group and I first started on the final task, we had a discussion about it. During the discussion, we reviewed the instructions. While reviewing the instructions of the final task, we made sure that all of us understood what we needed to do. After that, we went over what everyone's roles were. It was sort of based on what we were interested in or what we were good at. Since my group mates were not really decent at drawing, I decided to do the storyboard. Drawing was kind of my hobby, so it was convenient for me. My groupmates did the script, title, and the other information. While we were working on the final task, my group and I had scheduled calls. During the group calls, we would have discussions. In those discussions, we talked about our ideas or helped each other out. Also, we would check each other's progress on our task. I found the group calls to be very helpful. The group calls helped us to be able to communicate more as a group. They helped us strengthen our r...

Planning - Storyboard

  A group of friends, Rebecca, Ariana, and Kat, spent their day together at the mall. After the mall, they headed off to the park to have a nice and relaxing time. Little did they know, there was a stranger watching their every move. Strangely enough, Kat has been receiving suspicious notifications, but did not tell her friends. After the park, they hanged out at Ariana’s place to watch a movie. As the movie played, Kat’s phone went off again, and at that moment the door shuts, and her screams can be heard bouncing off the walls. 

Final Task : Title Design

  SALVATORE STUDIO PRESENTS MYSTIC FALL PRODUCTION  D  E  Z  Y  R  A  E  as K  A  T  H  R  I  N  E a.k.a K A T S  A  R  A  Y  A  H  as  A  R  I  A  N  A J  A  H  R  V  I  A  as  R  E  B  E  C  C A S  H  A  U  N  E  T  T  E  as  X O  X  O X.O.X.O CASTING BY                   D  E  Z  Y  R  A  E    M  C  N  E  A  L                 S  A  R  A  Y  A  H      O  M  A  D  A  L  L  Y MUSIC BY              A  L  E  C    K  O  F  F ...

Planning for the Final : Locations, Health, Participants, Schedule

  2/25 - 3/2:  During this time we will plan for filming days. The locations, actors, and storyline will be finalized. The filming dates will be set as well as whoever is going to direct the movie. The script, storyboard and title blogs will be completed during this time frame.  3/6:  This Saturday will be our first day of filming. We will start off with the park scenes and focus only on them this day. At 4:30p.m. we will arrive and set up where we will film and how we are going to start. Around 5:00p.m. we will begin filming. 3/7:  On Sunday we will review the videos we recorded and edit them to our liking. 3/13:  On this Saturday we will film at another location which will be the mall. We will start filming in the morning when there are barely any people their. 3/14:  We will review and edit the clips that we recorded the day before at the mall.  3/20:  We will record the final scenes at the house and we will begin sometime in the even...

Planning Script

 Scene 1 - Establishing shot  No dialogue Sound - Some Type of Music Scene 2 - Walking down the hall No Dialogue The Sound of a crowd talking Scene 3 - In the Store "Which one do you like better" That one totally goes with your hair" OMG !! Yesss!" "How About this one?" *Medium shot to Kat* Phone chimes Sound fades out *Over the shoulder shot* Sound still faded Ariana : "Right Kat?" Sound comes back  Kat "Umm, yeah... totally" *Girls walk away* Scene 4 - At the Park *eyeline shot from xoxo* *zoom to girls* Kat : "OMG !! Your butt is getting so big" Rebecca: "What? No wayy" Ariana: "yea it totally is" *back to xoxo eyeline shot* The sound of a picture being taken Sent message sound *Back to Kat*  Notification sound Kat: "C'mon girls, let's go" Sound of running Kat gasps Scene 5 - Ariana's house Sound of a movie playing Notification sound Door closing Girl screaming (Kat)