Genre Research Blog: Secret Obsession
1. What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?
- This movie is a psychological thriller film that contains many of the same elements of our chosen genre. For starters, the storyline/plot of this movie contains a big mystery that is slowly revealed throughout the movie. Another element that is seen in this movie is suspense. Halfway through the movie we notice that things start to take a turn and from that point things get suspenseful. Furthermore, tension between the characters is another element that is seen in this movie. In this film there are two main characters who eventually realize the conflict and situation taking place. Upon realization, feelings between the two become very tense.
2. What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?
- Fist off, I liked that it was organized and not all over the place. In other words, the plot was well developed and I was able to understand what was happening. Secondly, the camera angle, lighting and sound were all on point. They were all of the common ones you would see in thriller movies. For example, it contained ambient sound and it gave the movie a very suspenseful vibe. Furthermore, the camera angles were very good. There were close-ups, pans, tilts, tracks, and much more that really made an effect on each scene. Last but not least, it contained high-key lighting, low-key lighting and three-point lighting in different parts of the movie which was gave a great effect and made the scenes seem more natural.
3. What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?
- The movie was pretty good and most of the elements did appeal to me so it's hard to find any that didn't intrigue me. I guess something I didn't really like is that the entire movie was mainly surrounded by two people. I think there could've been more people introduced so it could seem more normal. Also, certain parts were very predictable and I think that could have been avoided. Overall, there were some minor plot holes but they didn't stand out too much therefore, they weren't too noticeable.
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